Department of Sports Medicine of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Lithuanian Federation of Sports Medicine
Invite You to the 9th International Scientific Conference
The 11th of April, 2024
Kaunas, Lithuania
It is a great honour to invite You to take part in the 9th International Scientific conference „EXERCISE FOR HEALTH AND REHABILITATION”. The aim of the conference is to bring together physiotherapists, occupational therapists, adapted physical activity specialists, sports medicine doctors, physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, trainers and other specialists who are interested in the exercise modalities for health and rehabilitation.
You are also kindly invited to present original research work as short oral scientific presentations on the following topics:
- Exercise for health,
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation,
- Sports medicine,
- Exercise physiology.
We sincerely hope to see you at the conference.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Renata Žumbakytė – Šermukšnienė
Chairman of Organizing CommitteePaulius Petraitis
President of Lithuanian Federation of Sports Medicine